Business news October 2023

A successful onboarding checklist: template to download

A successful onboarding process for welcoming collaborators into an IT service company

Welcoming a new collaborator is a crucial step in the life of a company. It is therefore essential to implement proper onboarding techniques, especially in the IT service sector. This article will give you all the keys for a successful onboarding process in order to improve integrating new talents. We will also give you concrete examples that proved their worth at Boond, and other companies…

The importance of a good onboarding process

A successful onboarding process does not stop at welcoming a new collaborator on the day of their arrival. It is a process which extends beyond the hiring process as a whole: before, during and after. This process not only makes integrating a new collaborator easier, but also contributes to improving productivity and reinforcing their engagement towards the company. In fact, an employee that feels welcomed, supported and trained since Day-1 will be more motivated and involved in tasks. They will also be more inclined to stay within the IT service company in the long run.

The digital service sector, characterized by an intense competition and a quick innovation, needs a particular attention when it comes to onboarding. Employers need to not only attract the best talents but also keep them and optimize their well-being in order to retain their loyalty.

Sharing corporate culture in IT service companies

The first step consist in introducing the new recruit to the team, to your values and to your corporate culture. This can be done through the means of formal or informal meetings, training sessions, or even through a welcome booklet detailing the mission, values and expectations of the company. It is also wise, in person, to plan an office tour for the person to get familiar with their work environment.

Welcoming a new employee should be warm and convivial. Each team member should take a moment to introduce themselves to the new recruit. This approach favors this sense of belonging from the beginning.

Customized welcoming ritual

The best practice can be to implement a welcoming ritual which can take different forms: breakfast with the whole team, customized gift on their new desk etc… These actions can seem to make a minor difference but they greatly contribute to your new collaborator’s sense of belonging.

successful onboarding process

Technical training

The onboarding process, especially in the IT sector, must also include specific technical training on tools and softwares used by the company. This training can be provided by an experienced team member or through e-learning programs.

The goal is for the new employee to become quickly operational and self-sufficient in their missions. To achieve this, it can be beneficial to allocate dedicated time during which they can familiarize themselves with the tools under the supervision of an experienced colleague before they truly begin their tasks.

Regular monitoring for successful onboarding

The next step involves organizing regular follow-ups with the new collaborator. This not only allows the manager to ensure that everything is going well but also to quickly identify any potential issues. This approach also encourages communication between the manager and their team. When discussing with your new recruit, don’t hesitate to ask for their thoughts on the onboarding process. Their feedback can help you improve your approach for future newcomers.

Continuous improvement

During this phase, the manager plays a very important role. They must ensure the well-being of the newcomer. They must make themselves available to answer to all their questions. They must be able to detect any signs that something might be amiss. The goal is to try to address problems as much as possible and fix them before they worsen. It’s important to emphasize that this phase is crucial because it often gives the first impression of how the company operates. A negative experience during this phase could create a negative long-term image of your company.

successful onboarding process

Internal mentoring, a major asset for successful onboarding

In some companies, an experienced colleague is responsible for guiding new recruits during their first few weeks. This person serves as a mentor: they answer questions, help resolve any potential issues, and often introduce the newcomer to other team members. This system has several advantages:

  • For the new recruit: they have a resource person to turn to if needed
  • For the mentor: it enhances their leadership skills
  • For your company: it fosters connections among your employees

Collaboration and knowledge transfer

This program also offers additional benefits. It is indeed an excellent way for your experienced employees to share their knowledge with their junior colleagues. Therefore, it’s an excellent means of ensuring the transfer of knowledge within your IT service company.

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    Feedback culture

    At the end of the onboarding process, you should organize a final evaluation with your new recruit. During this meeting, discuss the positive points and potential areas for improvement, and define together the goals for the upcoming months. Also, give them a chance to speak: it’s important that they can freely express their feelings about this integration phase.

    Why use a task list to track your onboarding process?

    To assist you in your onboarding process, we are providing you with a free checklist template to ensure nothing is overlooked.

    If you’re fortunate enough to be a BoondManager client, it’s even simpler! All you need to do is use the task list feature! Each time a task is completed, you check off the corresponding task, and your teams can easily, collaboratively track the progress of the process, whatever it may be:

    • Onboarding
    • Offboarding
    • Recruitment steps
    • Key qualification steps

    The only limit is your imagination… You can, of course, customize these processes to become even more efficient in addressing your various business challenges.

    How did BoondManager implement a successful onboarding process?

    If we are well-versed in these matters at BoondManager, it’s not by chance… Our onboarding process was named the most effective in France at the HR Engagement Awards 2023. So, feel free to talk to us about it if you need assistance 🙂

    Download our free template for a successful onboarding checklist:

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